Welcome to Relate Well Solutions!

We are glad you found this page and want to encourage you in your decision to seek counseling. Finding the counselor who is a good fit can feel challenging. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs with you to help you explore this important decision.

Call today to discover how our solutions can help you relate well!

A Special Note Regarding TeleMental Health (TMH)

Relate Well Solutions accommodated clients during the Covid-19 years with TMH. As it turns out, our clients loved the flexibility of having their sessions from their homes or workplaces and did not want TMH to end. Growth was experienced and relationship healing was formed - all while staying out of traffic. If you are wondering how TMH might be, we can offer you a free 15 min online initial consultation in place of an initial phone consultation to help you feel more comfortable.


Individuals, Couples, and Families

Relate Well Solutions serves individuals, couples, and families who want to improve their quality of life and relate well with others.

Offering Marriage Intensives

Marriage Intensives are best suited for couples who want to focus their time in either two-day (11 hours) or three-day (15 hours) segments rather than weekly one-hour sessions across several months. Couples who are interested in scheduling may contact us for more information or a free consultation.

Current Availability

Marriage Intensives - upcoming dates are available - email us for more information

Individual Counseling - full

Couples Counseling - full

Counseling Services

Trauma, Grief, and Loss
Managing Stress
Relationship Issues
Healthy Boundaries
Healthy Connections
Personal Growth
Faith Questions

Relationship Struggles
Conflict Resolution
Speaking heart-to-heart

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